4 Tips to Strengthening Your Credibility & Building Consumer Trust!


We recently had another group of new SGI members go through Executive Perspective. It’s always exciting to see “the light come on” after the full week, and then talk with them over the ensuing weeks as they work on their businesses.

As often is the case, new members always want to know, “What do I need to do immediately when I get back?” The easy answer is to guarantee you’re priced right and you’re priced consistently from job to job. Without that, your company simply won’t be able to function very long—and you need to make sure your financials are in good order. After all, you can’t fix what you don’t know is broken.

This new member pressed me for some other things to consider. Over the course of our conversation I explained that he must strive to strengthen credibility in his market and build consumer trust. If people know who you are and know you do a good job, they’re going to call you every time.

It’s easy to tell someone to strengthen their credibility and build consumer trust, but how do you actually do it? Below are 4 tips that I discussed with him. I thought they might be a good refresher for all of you!

Establish Credibility in Your Brand
What is your company known for? If you can’t answer that question immediately and concisely, your company doesn’t have a brand. If you don’t know who you are, how will consumers?

Take some serious time to decide what your brand is and create a unique USP (unique selling proposition) that emphasizes it. Are you, “Flapper: The Homeowner’s Best Friend™”? Are you the company that people would tell their friends about, “We’re the Good Guys Your Friends Told You About™”? Do you provide “Service in Hours Not Days™”? Whatever it is, have something that defines you!

Once you have your branded message, ensure that your image is professional and consistent. Your trucks must be wrapped in a consistent color that stands out, and they should always be spotless. And your techs should be in clean, pressed uniforms. Every tech should look identical. People should be impressed when they see your vehicles and your people around town. You should be memorable.

Establish Credibility in Your Product
Consumers have a hard time differentiating the different types of products, materials, and equipment we use—so rarely is that why they choose you. In actuality, your people are your product! Homeowners are putting their faith that you and your team will do a good job… and they’re NOT going to have to call you back with any issues.

The best way to establish credibility in your product is to emphasize training! You must be training every single week—whether you’re busy or not. Every company has at least 30 minutes to an hour that can be spared. In reality, you should train twice a week—one meeting concentrating on communication and sales, the other focusing on technical training.

When your people are properly trained, they’re better able to explain precisely what they’re doing in the home. When homeowners are educated, they feel better about spending their hard-earned money because they understand why they’re spending it! It virtually eliminates any feelings of being taken advantage of or being upsold. Instead, they see the value!

Technical training can’t be underestimated either. It doesn’t matter how well your people communicate—if your call-back percentage is sky high, homeowners are going to be MAD! Any good will your technician built over that service call is completely LOST! So, never underestimate the need to always help your techs stay technically sharp.

Establishing Credibility in Your Reputation
Many homeowners still use contractors who’ve been referred to them by friends and family. If you have a good reputation, people believe you’ll be fair to them. However, your reputation has suddenly become something that can be easily scrutinized thanks to the Internet…

When did you last Google you name and read what previous customers have said about you? There are a multitude of sites today that have disgruntled homeowners ranting and raving about how “they were wronged.” You do NOT want to be one of those companies with a bad online presence! So, what can you do?

First and foremost, make sure someone in your office is conducting a “Happy Call” after every appointment. By calling behind your technician, homeowners will be more willing to complain about something your techs did or didn’t do. If an issue exists, you should step in immediately as the owner/manager and do whatever is necessary to IMMEDIATELY make the homeowner happy—even if that’s refunding money! Remember 100% customer satisfaction is always the goal!

What happens if you already have online complaints? Those do happen, even to the best of companies. We would recommend doing your best to identify who those unhappy customers are and reaching out to them. Try first through a phone call. If that’s not possible, most consumer websites allow companies to respond to criticism. Be sure to thank the person for his/her comments, apologize for the bad experience, and ask him/her what can be done to make the situation right. You’d be shocked how going through that little effort can change a person’s stance toward your company—and it makes your company look concerned and eager to improve. Suddenly, a bad review becomes positive.

Establish Credibility in Your Website
Your website is an extension of your brand. Not long ago homeowners wouldn’t expect a contractor to have a website—those days are long gone. Not only must you have a website, it must be impressive! Your website isn’t just your web presence—it’s your company profile. If you appear professional, consumers naturally assume your company is professional. If it looks sloppy and disorganized, they will assume you don’t take pride in your work.

Do your best to avoid template websites. You want something that looks original, is pleasurable to the eye, and clearly defines what your brand is and what makes you unique in your marketplace. Of course, be certain you have the basics: People should be able to quickly determine the type of work you do and how to contact you.

Work on establishing these four key elements in your business, and this will help you launch your success!