6 Simple Tips to Prepare for an Exceptional Expo


Attending Expo can be an experience that propels you and your business for the next six or so months.  Not only are they informative; they’re incredibly motivating, and you have a chance to meet fellow success-minded contractors eager to pass along their own wisdom.  To have the most successful Expo possible, here are 6 Simple Tips to Prepare for an Exceptional Expo:


Tip 1: Don’t Waste a Moment

Expo is a full day, but there are plenty of breaks.  Instead of just topping off your coffee and snacking at an afternoon break (for example), make a point to meet a new member or simply review the material shared and write out an action plan.  Don’t forget to find a group of members to eat dinner with each evening!  Great information comes from those nights out.


Tip 2: Be Prepared to Network

You’re going to have multiple chances to meet plenty of members.  Be sure to make the most of those.  That means always ask for a business card, and it means bring a stack of business cards with you and pass them out liberally!


Tip 3: Talk with Your Client Success Manager

Your CSMs will be running around quite a bit at Expo to ensure the week runs smoothly.  But in between breaks or in the morning or afternoon, be sure to introduce yourself in person (if you haven’t met face to face yet).  See if they have 10 or 15 minutes to meet with you individually during the week.  Use that time to discuss any issues in your business or to makes plans for the remainder of the year.


Tip 4: Bring Any and All Important Information

If you have problems or questions regarding your P&Ls or your marketing or manpower plan (for example), bring those to Expo!  Ask your CSM to sit down with you and review them.  Your CSM can’t help you unless he or she has the information in front of their faces.  Then, you can work on resolving any questions or problems you have.


Tip 5: Create an Action Plan

Before leaving for Expo, spend a couple of hours near the end of the week to write out an action plan.  Using the information you received and the presentations you heard, create a list of tasks you want to tackle in your business—they can be big or small.  Also, be sure to put a deadline on each task, so that you have some urgency to accomplish them.


Tip 6: Follow Up

Within a week after Expo, reach out to your CSM and other members you met.  Maybe schedule a time where you can regularly talk with one another.  Or maybe even talk about a date where you can travel to another member’s business to see what he/she is doing successfully.  You can get great ideas by doing that.  Whatever you do, don’t make all these great connections at your Expo and then not follow up.  Take advantage of those networking opportunities to learn and to help other members.