What Are Your Marketing Steps for 2016? 11 Questions that You Must Be Able to Answer!

2015 is almost over.  Only weeks are left.  That means if you don’t have your marketing plan in place for 2016, it’s time to jump into high gear and get it completed!  Before building your plan, there are some questions you should ask yourself…

What do you want to accomplish? Many times this answer is stated as, “We need more leads.” But consider what you need in greater detail. What kind of leads? Perhaps you just want to build your brand in the market, or drive people to your website? Determine exactly what you need to obtain from you marketing before you take any additional steps.

Who is the audience you’re trying to reach? Before you decide to do something, determine who you are trying to reach. Your audience may vary depending on the message or offer you extend. Consider your audience along with your message to make sure it’s the right people and the right message.

What’s the best way to reach them? Your audience may also dictate how you reach them. Different demographic market segments respond differently to online, direct mail, radio, television, etc. A key factor in your success will be how you deliver your message and if the audience “accepts” it by reading, viewing, or listening.

What is your message? Keep your message simple. Don’t confuse people. Make sure your message is clear, easily understood, and differentiates from the competition.

How much more should I spend?  If you want to grow, you must spend money to make money.  Be willing to push your marketing spend beyond 10 percent of revenue.

What’s in last year’s marketing plan? What were your thoughts when you created the plan and does that line of reasoning hold true today? Have circumstances changed?  Should money be shifted away from one medium to another based upon the results you received?

What are your expectations for each medium? Always establish what you think you will achieve through each marketing effort. That way you will be able to gauge your success later. If you can’t state any expectations, you probably haven’t thought through your plan completely.

Do you have a plan of execution? Don’t just talk about it.  Put your plan on paper, even if in a simple form. That way you’ll be less likely to forget an important task, or fail to inform another individual of their responsibilities. And most importantly, don’t miss making sure your other employees are aware of your marketing efforts/campaigns. They will be the ones answering the phone and providing the service. They should be aware of any discounts, etc.

Are you ready to execute? Many marketing efforts fail due to problems in execution. Once you have your plan developed, take the Nike approach and “just do it.” Don’t fret over the money.  It’s time to take some action.

Are you prepared to track your results?  Have you set up the methods to track your results?  If not, you better.  There’s no point in spending money on advertising if you can’t tell what’s working for you.  This is a critical step before putting any plan into action.

Have you missed anything? Always be prepared to ask additional questions throughout the next year. The constant prodding and analysis of your plan will keep you sharp, more accurate, and definitely more successful.