Using Inspections to Create a Triple Win

The Safety Inspection or the Systems Performance Report is a valuable tool in your technicians’ toolbox. Unfortunately, this tool can sometimes be overlooked, rushed through, or even intentionally avoided by technicians. Why? Let’s go through the three main reasons (aka excuses) and solutions for overcoming them.

The Excuse: “I forgot.”

The Solution: This is an easy one. As a leader you have to make it part of the process. If you are training on and following the steps of the call listed in the StraightForward Pricing® Guide, there is no reason why any tech should “forget” to do it. Help hold your team accountable by requiring them to turn in the completed and signed form.

The Excuse: “The homeowner didn’t want it/didn’t have time for it.”

The Solution: If a technician shows the form to a client and says, “Do you want me to complete a full inspection of your system today?” There is a very good chance the client will say, “No, just fix the problem.” Instead of asking whether they want an inspection, train your team to set expectations for the call with the client and build value in the inspection. Then, instead of asking permission to conduct the inspection, ask if there are any parts of the home they would not like them to enter.

The Excuse: “It’s a waste of time.”

The Solution: If your team thinks inspections are a waste of time, they either A: don’t know how to conduct one properly or B: don’t understand the value in them. The inspection is one of the fundamentals of running a call. This is one of the things that sets you apart from your competition. You must continually train, build value, and reinforce the importance of the inspections. To do so, demonstrate how they are a triple-win for them, the homeowner, and the company.

Creating the Triple Win


  • Allows the technician to determine the root cause of a problem and not just provide a Band-Aid®.
  • Gives peace of mind that their family and home are safe.
  • Establishes trust by providing tangible proof of what the technician did in their home.
  • Helps the homeowner plan for future expenses.
  • Saves the homeowner time and money by preventing larger, more expensive repairs.


  • Allows additional time to build rapport. (Remember, people buy from people they like and trust.)
  • Helps the technician build options.
  • Increases average tickets.
  • Prevents call-backs.

The Company

  • Holds technicians accountable.
  • Allows the company to provide guarantees for their work.
  • Provides leads during slower seasons to follow-up on.

Cars are a large investment, just like homes, but car owners are accustomed to having their cars inspected every 3,000 to 5,000 miles to ensure their safety and increase the lifespan of their vehicle. Help your team and your clients understand their plumbing, electrical, HVAC, and roofing systems require the same attention to help ensure their safety and increase their lifespan.

For more resources on inspections visit YourSGIHUB, click the Videostab, then under Browse Topic, choose Inspections.

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