Your Fall 2013 Expo Preview!


PSI™ Members

Your 2013 fall Expo is not far away!  It will be September 18-20 in beautiful Boca Raton, Florida, at the Boca Raton Resort & Club!  Your PSI team has been talking to members, researching topics and trends, and working hard to construct the perfect event that will help you become even more successful heading into the second half of 2013 and beyond!

You can read a short synopsis of the many sessions that are planned below.  Also, keep in mind that on Wednesday, September 18th, will be Success Academy Day®!  Also, to bring your Expo to crescendo, Guest Speaker Sam Glenn will be in attendance to talk about attitude!  Be sure to go to today to reserve your space for what will be a tremendous event!

Wednesday, September 18th: Success Academy Day

Leadership vs. Management

You feel like you’ve built a strong team.  They’re talented and motivated.  Now, how do you ensure that you’re getting the absolute best out of them?  Are you certain that your team couldn’t be achieving more?  Here’s an even bigger question: If they’re not reaching their full potential, what might the reasons be?

Leadership and management are not the same, although many think they are.  Certainly, there are aspects of your position as the owner and general manager of your business that require management functions.  However, your biggest role—the one that ensures long-term success and growth—is as the leader of your company. 

During this Success Academy Day, you will discover some of the pitfalls that you may be unknowingly struggling with because you’re acting more as a manager—and not enough as a leader.  You’ll come away from Success Academy Day with some critical strategies and concepts that can be employed in your operation to help better motivate your people to push their performances, build an exceptional company with a culture that’s second-to-none, and become the absolute best leader for your team and your company.

Thursday & Friday, September 19th-20th: EXPO

Unlocking the Full Potential of a Home Plumbing Inspection

Your plumbers arrive on time, look professional, and are eager to help homeowners.  They communicate well, expertly perform their craft, and leave the homeowner satisfied.  But if that’s all they’re doing, they’re skipping a very important part of their job: They aren’t performing complete Home Plumbing Inspections.  Maybe this is something your plumbers struggle to do on every call?  Maybe they quickly buzz through the inspection without much thought?  Or maybe they feel like they’re performing solid inspections, but they’re missing huge opportunities.  Properly performing Home Plumbing Inspections is critical to delivering exceptional customer service, but it’s also a tool to ensure you’re maximizing your revenue potential!  In this session, you’ll hear strategies and receive tools that will open your plumbers’ eyes and get them to perform the perfect Home Plumbing Inspection on every call!

Getting the Absolute Most Out of Your Training Calendar

You’ve heard it over and over again from PSI.  The key ingredient to having a wildly successful team is to train, train, and train some more.  You’re likely spending a day or two every week doing just that, but are you maximizing each training opportunity?  Could your sessions be enhanced, even just a bit more, to further amplify  your sales while also increasing customer satisfaction and helping your employees make more money?  Your PSI team wants to help you do just that!  During this session you will receive several tools to help you improve your training plan and create a more successful company!

Turning Water into Gold

Concerns among the public about healthy drinking water are more prevalent than ever.  For years the bottled-water industry thrived off of this fear—and their sales skyrocketed.  Over time, consumers became more concerned about the environment and they began to question throwing away thousands of plastic bottles each year.  The desire for in-home water filtration is greater now than ever.   Your BuyMax® and PSI team have some exciting news to share with you that may increase your in-home water-filtration revenue while decreasing its costs!

Round Tables

One of the greatest aspects of belonging to PSI is the multitude of success-oriented, motivated members in the organization.  You all bring so many different talents and experiences.  One of the best ways to leverage the group’s knowledge is for everyone to interact at one time.  But how?  Back by popular demand, your PSI team will be facilitating round tables.  You and your fellow members will be discussing some of the most pressing topics in the trade today.  From your discussions and debates, you’ll return to your office with some eye-opening, actionable steps that you can use to enhance your business

New Money in Maintenance!

Your plumbers spend much of their day educating people about the benefits of maintaining their plumbing system.  When homeowners invest in a membership program like a Diamond Club™, it ensures that your team will monitor their home and eliminate plumbing concerns before they lead to expensive and destructive problems. Everyone wins: you and the homeowner.  Well, there’s another type of maintenance that exists—and it’s incredibly lucrative!  It helps to ensure big monthly tickets while not requiring a great deal of work!  Got your attention?  Good!  You’ll learn all about this essentially untapped market in this session!

Where Did All the Cash Go?

You value many things in your business: Your customers and your employees are among the two biggest!  However, without this one important component, you wouldn’t be in business!  We’re talking about CASH!  You can never have enough of it, and with plenty of it, you can control how fast you want to grow your business or how big your bank account will appear on your statement sheet.  During this session your PSI team will dive into the topic of cash flow.  Where is your cash going?  Where is it tied up?  How can you free up more cash flow so that it works better for you?  To have a top-operating business this is a critical topic that you must master—this is a session that you can greatly benefit from.

The Future of Home Warranties & How They’ll Impact Your Business

The desire for home warranties by consumers continues to increase each year.  Many contractors have seen the impact in their businesses already.  For a long time, home warranties have been considered a “bad word” amongst those associated with PSI.  In this session, you will be introduced to a new type of thinking regarding home warranties.  If used carefully and properly, warranties can be a tool to bolster your club-membership numbers while creating future customers for years to come.  This will be a thought-provoking presentation that will challenge some preconceived notions!

Guest Speaker: Sam Glenn

At one time Sam Glenn was negative, broke, depressed, homeless, and working odd jobs as a nighttime janitor and newspaper delivery guy. Sam’s attitude was in the dumps…until a dear friend gave him what he calls a, “Kick in the Attitude.” Sam accidently knocked over legendary business speaker, Zig Ziglar, at a buffet. The conversation that followed had a profound and positive impact on Sam’s attitude and was exactly what he needed to get up and make his dreams possible.

For the past 15 years Sam has been the “go-to guy” for hundreds of organizations that value positive people engaged in positive action. Sam’s speeches offer a mix of humor, art, and life lessons—after listening to him, people walk away feeling reenergized and ready to engage more fully in everything they do.

Often times, at speaking engagements, most people mistake Sam for an on-site maintenance employee because of how he dresses. Audiences are pleasantly surprised when Sam takes the stage and then they realize who he really is. Sam sports an attitude-maintenance shirt as a symbol of where he came from and to represent his personal story. The difference between Sam’s past and present? Now Sam practices attitude maintenance—and audiences love every minute of it!