RSI Members: Your Boca Raton Expo in Review!


Your Boca Raton Expo just came to a conclusion, and it was an incredible week full of new information and insight to help you build even greater success in your business.  Fortunately, you can catch up on most of the action in the coming weeks on your organizational website!  Videos will be posted shortly!

While watching the sessions will certainly be helpful, nothing can replace the experience Expo provides.  That’s why we urge you to make plans to join us at your next Expo in Dallas, Texas, March 12-14!  Expos are something that are best experienced—not watched.  Being in those meeting rooms and around other members is the best and fastest way to become successful.  Here’s a brief synopsis of each session to help guide your viewing decisions:

Pushing Your Sales Presentation into a New Age

You do so much to stand apart from the competition.  From your professional technician uniforms to your beautiful box trucks to your flawless sales presentations—you go the extra mile to provide an exceptional service experience for your clients.  Now your RSI team has found another way for you to distance yourself from the competition!  In a day and age when everyone loves interacting with technology, and they do so on a daily basis, RSI showed you a new way of presenting a roof that’s different than anything you’ve seen before.  You’ll differentiate yourself even more from the competition—and be on the way to close more sales than ever!

Closing More Sales Than Ever with Consumer Financing

Nothing is more frustrating.  You go through great expense to advertise: a family calls you asking for a bid, and you send one of your sales professionals to their home. The client wants to buy, and then it happens… They don’t have the money—and they can’t get approved for financing.  Your customer loses, and you lose.  Your RSI team showed you how to drastically drive down your financing rejections during this session!  You saw how to turn financing into a strategic weapon to close even more sales!  This session will help you and your clients be the better for it.

Convert Hot Leads into Big Sales with Rapid Response

Leads are the lifeblood of your company—without them your businesses wouldn’t survive.  In fact, the number-one complaint we hear from members is, “We need our phone to ring more!”  But how do you get your phone to ring more?  There are a lot of different ways to generate leads out there.  You can put money into radio spots, spend on TV or billboards, and pour money into maximizing your Web exposure.  Your BuyMax® team has developed a way to connect you within minutes to homeowners looking for roofing services!  This is a new tool that you will absolutely love—and it could lead to thousands of dollars in new and would-be lost revenue!

Round Tables

One of the greatest aspects of belonging to RSI is the multitude of success-oriented, motivated members in the organization.  You all bring so many different talents and experiences.  One of the best ways to leverage the group’s knowledge is for everyone to interact at one time.  But how?  Back by popular demand, your RSI team facilitated round tables.  You and your fellow members discussed some of the most pressing topics in the trade today.

The Psychology Behind Top Sales Professionals

You can give them the worst lead, and they’ll turn it into the biggest sale that month.  When the rest of the company may be slumping, they’re making big sales all day long.  The day you need to find one more replacement, you can count on this person to sell it.  We’re talking about top salespeople!  They’re worth their weight in gold. You know when you have one, but they’re so hard to find!  In this session, your RSI team showed you what makes top sales professionals in the roofing industry tick.  You saw how they’re motivated, how they think, and how you can find more of them!  This was a must-see session for RSI members looking to expand their sales team!

7 Habits of Successful RSI Leaders

Most roofing contractors have been in the trade for a long time.  Either you grew up in the business or you learned it over many years before starting your own company.  You know how to install the perfect roof, and you know how to make the most difficult of repairs.  Then why do some roofing contractors thrive, making millions of dollars at large net profits, while other roofing contractors struggle to break even?  During this session, you will discover the 7 Habits of Successful RSI Leaders!  You saw precisely what top roofing contractors are doing, day-in and day-out, to ensure their growth and success.

The Future of Home Warranties & How They’ll Impact Your Business

The desire for home warranties by consumers continues to increase each year.  Many contractors have seen the impact in their businesses already.  For a long time, home warranties have been considered a “bad word” amongst those associated with RSI.  In this session, you will be introduced to a new type of thinking regarding home warranties.  If used carefully and properly, warranties can be a tool to bolster your club-membership numbers while creating future customers for years to come.  This was a thought-provoking presentation that will challenge some preconceived notions!

Guest Speaker: Sam Glenn

At one time Sam Glenn was negative, broke, depressed, homeless, and working odd jobs as a nighttime janitor and newspaper delivery guy. Sam’s attitude was in the dumps…until a dear friend gave him what he calls a, “Kick in the Attitude.” Sam accidently knocked over legendary business speaker, Zig Ziglar, at a buffet. The conversation that followed had a profound and positive impact on Sam’s attitude and was exactly what he needed to get up and make his dreams possible.

For the past 15 years Sam has been the “go-to guy” for hundreds of organizations that value positive people engaged in positive action. Sam’s speeches offer a mix of humor, art, and life lessons—after listening to him, people walk away feeling reenergized and ready to engage more fully in everything they do.

Often times, at speaking engagements, most people mistake Sam for an on-site maintenance employee because of how he dresses. Audiences are pleasantly surprised when Sam takes the stage and then they realize who he really is. Sam sports an attitude-maintenance shirt as a symbol of where he came from and to represent his personal story. The difference between Sam’s past and present? Now Sam practices attitude maintenance—and the membership loved every minute of his presentation!

The One Thing You Should Do Right Now!

What should you do right now?  There was a lot more offered at your Expo.  So, please, take a moment and watch some of the videos soon and acclimate yourself with the new strategies that we’ve shared to help you become even more successful.

Then, your next step should be to register for the upcoming Expo being held in Dallas, March 12-14!  There really is no substitute for being at Expo and sharing stories and strategies with your fellow members!  If at all possible, you should do your best to attend!  Expos can make a world of difference for your company!

We look forward to seeing you then!


Your RSI Team