A Mastermind Group May Be Your Missing Link to Greatness


Napoleon Hill was one of the first authors who focused on developing success-oriented literature meant to help inspire people to greatness. He was also one of the true believers in the Mastermind concept.

What is a Mastermind? A Mastermind is a group of people who have common interests and goals, who get together on a regular basis to support each other in growth and development toward actualizing interests and goals. It’s a dedicated group of people who share at least some values, perspectives, and objectives in common. The group mind is far more powerful than a singular mind.

Mastermind groups impact their participants on a subconscious level. Human beings learn best by seeing, hearing, and experiencing what others are doing—not by reading, thinking, or feeling. From birth through all phases of life, we’re influenced by others. We become those with whom we surround ourselves.

At SGI™, we rolled out this Mastermind concept with Profit Platoons®. Members who participate unanimously see tremendous results. If you don’t participate in a Profit Platoon because other members are too far away, or you simply haven’t found any members with whom you mesh, do yourself a favor: Find other business owners in your marketplace, form a Mastermind group, and help each other become more successful.

How do you form your Mastermind group?

1. Make sure everyone in your group is successful. Some should be where you hope to see yourself in the future. Three to five years down the road is acceptable, but 5 to 10 years is best. You’re in this group to grow, so you need people who can offer worthwhile wisdom. The more you learn and succeed, the better off you will be to pass along your experiences to another person 10 years later. That’s how the cycle continues.

2. Members who aren’t as successful as you might be at the moment should show tremendous potential to grow quickly and potentially surpass you. These are the budding superstars that you want.

3. Meet regularly in person. Regular phone conversations are good, but the magic happens when you can meet face-to-face and talk privately as a group. Try to meet at least once a month.

4. Make sure that the people you invite to your Mastermind group can add massive value to the other members. Remember, you’re inviting people who are beyond you. They’re going to get a lot more value from the other members than they are from you. Carefully select members who will get value from each other. Mentally, keep yourself out of the equation.

5. Be in charge of the details! Handle the schedule. Handle the administrative stuff no one wants to do. You be the one to set up the teleconference or the meeting space. You be the one to buy lunch or bring dinner.

6. Remember, the value to you isn’t the tangible things you’re going to get. What you’re going to get is the personal growth that comes from being around experienced, successful people. Just sit back and allow your mind to soak in the knowledge being shared around you.