How to Overcome the Greatest Hurdles to Find Success


Half of 2014 is almost gone. How are you doing with your goals? Are you enjoying success? Or are you struggling to keep up?

If you’re struggling to keep on pace with your 2014 goals, don’t give up. Stop what you’re doing for a moment, reassess your goals, and develop a plan on how you can still achieve success this year… (Give your friendly Client Success Manager a call to help you construct a plan! PLEASE!!!) Then, get started and stay focused on that plan!!!

The most successful people in the world are not necessarily the smartest or the most educated. Over time, and with experience, they still became the best. They are resilient in their pursuit of their goals and do what is necessary to reach them. How do they overcome the greatest hurdles to find success?

Successful people have one thing in common—intestinal fortitude. They have intestinal fortitude to keep going when you see stagnant results or find that you’ve fallen off your plan. You need to continue to believe in your ability to get back on track!

It doesn’t matter if you’re running out of money or have employee struggles or the phone isn’t ringing. If you believe in yourself, and you’re willing to make the hard decisions, you can still find success! This is when your intestinal fortitude is put to the test!

The next time you struggle to stay focused and stay motivated to make the changes you need to make in your business to achieve your goals, remind yourself of a few things:

  • Why did you get started in your business in the first place? What dreams did you want to achieve? How did you want your business to impact your community, your family? What kind of lifestyle did you want to achieve?
  • Who are we doing this for? How will your company’s success impact your loved ones? Money certainly isn’t everything, but it offers advantages. Remember that you’re not just working to make a living—owning a successful business can provide real advantages for your loved ones!
  • How the lives of others will be better off? Yes, if your business is a success, your family benefits greatly, but so do your employees! Think of the great people who work hard for you and how their lives would be impacted if your company’s success continues to grow! Consider how your business impacts the lives of your customers!

It’s so easy to get locked into the day-to-day that comes with running a business. Suddenly, you lose sight of what’s really important and get mesmerized by details and distractions. It’s why you must remind yourself daily of the power that comes with being a business owner. You have the ability to not only impact your life, but the lives of so many!

Before the rest of 2014 slips away from you, make a commitment to yourself to not allow your goals to be pushed aside. Don’t settle for average. Don’t settle for zero growth. You can do better. You can build the business you envisioned when you first started. Remind yourself of why you’re in business, who will be impacted by its success, and how that will make you feel…

Then give your friendly Client Success Manager a call. Let’s review your goals and build a plan that will help you achieve them. Let’s help you find success together in 2014!