What to Do When You Feel Unmotivated: 3 Easy Tips to Get Reinvigorated & Ready to Tackle the World!


  People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.” Zig Ziglar

Summer months are almost here. Before you know it, you and your team will be working long hours to try and meet the needs of your customers. It’s easy to get stretched thin and feel exhausted and unmotivated! You may struggle to find that inner drive to make the changes you need to make in your business…

Here are three simple things you can do to help you find motivation again when you’re feeling exhausted.

1. Do the 10-Minute Recharge Exercise!

Here’s how it’s done: Sit down in a quiet place. Maybe close your office door and turn off the lights. Sit in the darkness, take some deep breaths, slow your heart rate, and ask yourself these two questions:

  • How will my life look in 5 years if I just continue to stay on the same path as now?
  • How will my life and the lives of those around me be impacted if I DON’T make changes?

It may be uncomfortable but try to see the negative consequences as vividly as you can in your mind to kick-start your motivation to get going for that positive change.

Then ask yourself:

  • How will my life look in 1 year if I stick with it and I keep going with this change? How will it look in 5 years?
  • How will life improve not only for me but for the people that I love if I stick with it?

With these two sets of questions, try to see the future as detailed and as vividly as you can, but also find your own very personal reason(s) for making the change. Write down those deepest reasons on a piece of paper and put that note where you cannot avoid seeing it every day.

2. Let the Motivation Sparkling in Other People Flow Over to You.

Another great way to recharge your motivation is simply to tap into the motivational energy and perspectives of other people. It could be a friend. It could be a spouse. It could be another SGI member!

Talk to these people about their dreams and what they feel most motivated to achieve and to do in their lives. Don’t feel confined to just the people you know in real life. Recharge your motivation by listening to a small part of an audiobook. Or read a chapter in a favorite personal-development book. Or find a new article or blog that will stimulate you!

Spending just 5 or 10 minutes finding motivation from others can often turn your mood and mindset around and ignite your motivation again.

3. Get Started and Let the Motivation Catch Up with You.

Sometimes the two tips above might not work that well even though they are very powerful. What can you do then? Well, you can take a break and recharge your batteries because that is sometimes simply what is needed. After your 10-minute-recharge break, often the best thing you can do is just get started working and changing, and let the motivation catch up with you!

Focus on taking one small step forward at a time. Commit to working on that new budget or marketing plan for 10 minutes. Force yourself to do it. Then, force yourself to work on it for 10 minutes tomorrow. Before you know it, you’ll see the light at the end of the tunnel… You’ll see how close you are to finishing your project, and you’ll be motivated to finally complete it!