Your 2014 Palm Desert Expo Preview!


Your fall SGI Expo in beautiful Palm Desert, California, is almost here! It begins Wednesday, October 1st and runs through Friday, October 3rd! That’s less than 60 days away!

To register for your Expo, go to! Keep in mind, the SGI rate at the JW Marriott Desert Springs Resort & Spa is $169 per night and includes the resort fee. Our rate is only good for reservations made by September 9, 2014! So don’t delay!

For the Members, By the Members:
Your Fellow SGI Members Are Presenting at Your Fall 2014 Expo!

It’s often said that the greatest benefit of being a part of Success Group International is the members surrounding you. They’re invaluable resources filled with boundless experiences. You can learn from their past to become that much more successful. Remember the old expression: Smart contractors learn from their mistakes; wise contractors learn from the mistakes of others and avoid them!

In this, your fall 2014 Expo, you will have some outstanding opportunities to learn from your fellow members, as many of them are the ones presenting the sessions! Your SGI team is working with them to turn their expertise into tools and systems that you can replicate and implement in your company!

Here’s a snippet of the programs planned for Palm Desert. Click on each for a session description!

1000x496-sgi-2014-4c-logoSGI Today & Heading into the Future under NEW Leadership!
You received some exciting, organizational-transforming news at your last Expo: Longtime Clockwork Home Services employee Rebecca Cassel, thro
ugh Aquila Investment Group, which she owns in partnership with her husband, AirTime member Lon Cassel, purchased SGI this spring. In other words, SGI is going back to its roots—and you will enjoy a better, stronger, more innovative organization as a result!

You have all of the same innovative tools, programs, lessons, content, and intellectual property—but no more franchise concerns, and no more utility company to worry about! SGI stands as it once did—completely independent for the independent contractor!

SGI has been on a growth trajectory over the last four years—and we have aggressive plans to continue to grow the membership and its offerings! During this session, you will hear the new SGI leadership discuss these exciting times and plans!

How You Fail Your Customers Every Day–and Don’t Know It: What You Can Do to Turn Setbacks into Success!
Michael Jordan is perhaps the greatest basketball player in the history of the NBA—when asked about his success, he had to say this: “I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” Success in sports, life, and business is about overcoming failure. Even the most successful organizations fail their customers in one way or another every day—and they don’t realize it. But how can you turn failure into success? During this session, your fellow SGI members will identify precisely how accidental failure occurs all the time in your business—and they will explain what you can do to eliminate it in the future! As part of SGI, you belong to the strongest group in contracting—and this is an excellent opportunity for you to leverage the experience and knowledge of your fellow successful members!

Breaking Though the Glass Ceiling: Critical Lessons from Fellow SGI Members on How They Overcame Longtime Obstacles to Finally Achieve Desired Growth Goals!
Every year you target a growth goal, and seemingly every year you fall just a bit short. You’re at a loss regarding what to do! You find yourself staring at the ceiling each night, racking your brain for answers. Well, rest a bit easier—you’re not the first business owner shutterstock_93901741to have such growth challenges. In fact, taking that “next step” is often the most difficult. Thankfully, an answer exists to your growth dilemma. Your fellow SGI members will take the stage during this session and share with you their stories. You’ll discover how they struggled—in some cases for years—to grow. Finally, after searching for answers long enough, they identified the problems holding them back
and broke through the glass ceiling. You’ll find that your situation will likely be similar to one of your fellow members’, and you can use the lessons that he/she will share to FINALLY break through your own glass ceiling!

Advertising Hurdles Every Contractor Must Leap: Reaching Brand- & Business-Building Goals!
You’re trying to build your company’s brand to capture mindshare within your community. But a big problem exists: Your competition is trying to do the same thing—and ishutterstock_201212339n many cases, they have bigger budgets! What can you do to become the “known” service provider for your industry in your town? The answer is simple, but it takes a multistep approach! There are advertising hurdles every contractor must leap to reach his/her brand- and business-building goals. During this session, you will find out what each hurdle is—and you will be given actionable steps to create a plan to overcome each challenge to ultimately reach your advertising goals!

SUCCESS ACADEMY DAY (FOR OWNERS): Building Your Business’ TORNADO SHELTER: How to Protect Your Company from the Four Silent Killers in Contracting!
Science knows more about tornados today than at any other time in history. Meteorologists can hop on TV and show areas where a tornado may hit—but they don’t really know if one WILL hit and they don’t know how HARD it will hit. In fact, tornados are often called silent killers because a quiet calm falls over the house or structure before it’s decimated. The only way to guarantee survival from one of these silent killers is to have the strongest, most well-constructed tornado shelter possible.

In the contracting industry, there are “Four Sshutterstock_76197124ilent Killers” that can absolutely uproot your business and turn it into a complete disaster—much like a tornado. In most cases, you have NO idea if or when one of these killers will hit. There is no meteorologist to give you a warning sign. But you most certainly will know if your business has been hit—you will be left picking up the pieces.

The ONLY way to protect your company from the “Four Silent Killers in Contracting” is to “Build Your Business’ Tornado Shelter”! During this Success Academy session, each of these silent killers will be identified, and you will be given a highly developed plan for building a “shelter” to protect you, your team, and your company from each. The areas of your business these silent killers attack are ones few people consider. Yet once your company is hit hard by one, you will be happy that you prepared for the worst and were able to survive the unexpected!

SUCCESS ACADEMY DAY (FOR EMPLOYEES, all can attend): Show Me the Money – Best Practices for Making Dollars and Sense in Your Business
Running a service-based business can often be a delicate balancing act.  What areas do you need to focus on to be profitable and to grow?  Or how to keep employees engaged in the business’ success?  The answers can change quarterly, monthly, weekly, sometimes daily!  Some companies seem to have it all figured out.   They’re able to turn a profit year after year.  Plus, their employees are happy and productive and stay with the company forever.  Wouldn’t it be great if you just knew THEIR success secrets?

Well those secrets can and will be revealed, but only during one session at Expo!  Join Success Academy for a fun, fast-paced, revealing, and educational best practice session on Friday, October 3rd from 8:30-noon.  This session is open to everyone in your company, maximizing your opportunity to learn from other successful SGI members.  Have something that’s working really well at your shop?  This is the forum to share it with your fellow SGI members.  At this unique session, you can come as a leader to share your best practices AND as a learner to gather new ideas from others.

Networking during breaks and lunch at Expo are great, but your time is limited and you don’t always get a chance to see everyone or share ideas.  This workshop is your golden opportunity to spend some extended time with other SGI members to communicate those great ideas that are making a difference.  Even just one idea could make a HUGE impact in your business and turn those red numbers back to black!

Bring a stack of business cards to exchange and get ready for the most interactive, high-energy session you have ever attended!

How Your Company & Family Are Exposed to Liability: What You Can Do to Protect Them! Presented by Featured Speaker 1795666_10152277979054855_744993945_n
You thought you had your company structured in a way where you didn’t have any personal liability should something go wrong…something outside of your control. During this session, featured speaker Lee Phillips will explain that may not be the case. Whether it’s a lawsuit, taxes, state- or federal-government attack, or any other number of threats to your financial security, you could be exposed! During his session, Phillips will give you legal techniques and tools you can use to help ensure you don’t lose any of the hard-earned money you’ve worked tirelessly to accumulate. This is step-by-step asset-protection planning you should absolutely know about to protect you and your family!

There is far more that will be offered at your Palm Desert Expo! While you’re on your computer, go ahead and take two extra minutes to go to right now… and register for your SGI Expo!