New FREE Online Training for ESI Members: “Building Your Average Ticket” Presented Wednesday, August 13, 11 am EDT

summer-schoolAll summer long your ESI team has been offering “Summer School”—free, online training to help you maximize your success in these warmer months! (This training is exclusively for ESI members!)

Your next session is: “BUILDING YOUR AVERAGE TICKET”! It will be offered next week! Yes, you can participate in this training on Wednesday, August 13,  at 11 am EDT!

Every contractor is looking to increase revenue. Many make the mistake of assuming the only way to do so is by spending more on marketing and finding more leads. They’re ignoring this question all together: Are your techs maximizing the current calls they have?

As an electrical company, you offer so many valuable products and services to homeowners! Yet, most homeowners don’t know about them!!! They don’t know about whole-house surge protection or interconnected smoke detectors! But many would invest in those products and services immediately if offered!

The key to building your average tickets is communication between your techs and your homeowners. During this power-packed session, guest presenter Sean Dasher from BuyMax will provide you with some helpful information on how your techs can start building average tickets immediately! This will be a must-watch session!

To participate in this training, you can register by clicking on the “REGISTER” button in this blog!


Your Next “Summer School” ESI Course: “Safety Meetings”!
Your next ESI “Summer School” course concentrates on one of the most important topics there is: “SAFETY MEETINGS”! It will be offered Wednesday, August 27, 11 am EDT!

ESI member and owner of Dixie Electric Noble Yelverton will be the guest instructor, and he will offer his insight into how his company conducts safety meetings, how often they’re conducted, the topics they cover, and so much more!

A healthy tech is a productive tech! Make sure you’re doing everything possible to keep your techs safe and working! Be sure to tune-in August 27th to get some great ideas on how to bolster your Safety Meetings!

Two more ESI “Summer School” courses are in the works! Look out for an announcement soon on “THE POWER OF PROFIT PLATOONS” and “MASTERING STRAIGHTFORWARD PRICING”!

Missed Any Summer School Courses? Don’t Worry!
If you missed ANY of the ESI “Summer School” courses, DON’T WORRY! You can view them NOW online on your ESI website,! Just click on the “WebEx Training” icon to view!