Complimentary Online Coaching NEXT WEEK—Register Today!


The online Management Enrichment coaching series offered by SGI™ begins next week on Thursday, December 19th at 11 am EST. The series is meant for you, the owner, and key leaders on your team. The series is 100% free of charge and focuses on two major responsibilities you and your key people have within your organization: 1.) Building a successful culture, and 2.) Taking financial charge of your company.

Next week’s topic: Vision!

You’ve worked so hard to build your business. You’ve spent untold thousands of dollars in facilities, equipment, tools, materials, and beyond. You’ve spent thousands more finding the right people, training them, and helping them become true professionals. And again you’ve spent thousands more trying to find customers, servicing their needs, and cultivating those relationships.

None of that hard work and money spent means anything unless you have the right vision to keep your company growing from one year to the next. Vision keeps your organization motivated. Vision helps a group of individuals work as a team. Vision allows you to set greater goals each year—and ensures that they’re met.

Next Thursday’s complimentary Management Enrichment coaching seminar will take an in-depth look at how to construct the right vision to keep your company moving forward into 2014 and beyond! The session will last 30 to 45 minutes, and you will be able to ask questions at the end with a live Q&A!

To watch and participate, click this link to register:

This program and every program will be presented by top, experienced professionals that are motivated to help you and your company! Be sure to take advantage of yet another tool offered as part of your membership! We’re here to make YOU successful!


Your SGI Team