Complimentary Online Coaching TOMORROW – Register NOW!


Complimentary Coaching Session TOMORROW!
When: Thursday, December 19, 11 a.m. EST

The Topic: Vision!

You Must Register to Gain Access! Details Below!

Your next installment of the complimentary online coaching series begins TOMORROW, December 19, 11 a.m. EST! The series is meant for you, the owner, and key leaders on your team. The series is 100% free of charge!

Tomorrow’s Topic: Vision!

You’ve worked so hard to build your business. You’ve spent untold thousands of dollars in facilities, equipment, tools, materials, and beyond. You’ve spent thousands more finding the right people, training them, and helping them become true professionals. And again you’ve spent thousands more trying to find customers, servicing their needs, and cultivating relationships.

None of that hard work and money spent means anything unless you have the right vision to keep your company growing from one year to the next. Vision keeps your organization motivated. Vision helps a group of individuals work as a team. Vision allows you to set greater goals each year—and ensures that they’re met.

To watch and participate, click this link to register:

The session will last 30 to 45 minutes, and you will be able to ask questions at the end with a live Q&A!

SPECIAL NOTE: This will be the last Successful Contractor email of 2013. Your entire SGI™ team wishes you, your family, and your team members a very Happy Holiday Season and successful 2014!