Featured Product: Coil Defense

Coil Defense Logo  Use for Preventative Maintenance

 Protects against:

  • Salt
  • Oxidation
  • Acid corrosion
  • Sulphur
  • Well water
  • Dirty Sock Syndrome
  • Industrial pollutants
  • Rusted fan blades, rivots and screws

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAKeeps coils from corroding

Can be used in multiple applications to slow the rust process

A most durable finish, Coil Defense is very fast drying. Coil Defense has excellent gloss retention and is highly resistant to salt spray and chemicals. Coil Defense has high dielectric (non-conductive) properties, and has no effect on heat transfer.

Click here to download product sheet

To place an order, please contact Michelle Hogan at 866-574-7431 ext. 476 or mhogan@4buymax.com