How to Keep Your Superstars Happy

Great techs are extremely hard to find–and once you find them, you must do a great job of supporting them or you’ll lose them. They need to be mechanically sound and have good communication skills.  Techs also need to understand The Club Membership Business model and why we offer Clubs to our clients.  Understand that Amazing techs are hard to find and they are extremely important to the success of your  company and the happiness of your clients. We should be exploring what their dreams and goals are AND show them a way to accomplish them.

The best techs will also be recognized by your competition and it’s your job to make them never want to leave.

You may not like what I am going to say, but your competitors can never steal or poach your technicians.  If they leave, you simply didn’t offer to them what is necessary to make them want to stay.  Remember, if you are looking for a cheap tech, that is exactly what you are going to get.

I have put together a few important Tips on what you can do to Keep Your Superstar technicians Happy.

1. Techs want to be managed

Good Managers should divide their office and field time.  They will ride with techs each week to build relationships and this allows you to actually coach, motivate, and provide constructive feedback.  Techs need feedback, and not just the bad stuff.

Always start with something they do well——-and then move to something they could do better, but always finish again with something they are doing well.  They need positive reinforcement.

Pick a tech or two every day and run a call with them.

There needs be a good relationship between you and your techs, especially if you are planning on having your techs be a long term part of your overall company plan. If not, they will just be passing through till they see something the next shiny object come along.

2. Involve their Family

Communicate with the spouses of your techs.  The more a tech’s family is involved, the more they will be encouraged and motivated.  We want the family to be the techs’ personal cheer section.

Another morale booster is to have family outings and holiday parties — something where you can involve the ENTIRE family.  Also, ask about their kids by name.  They need to know you care.

3. Celebrate “The WINS”

When your techs meet their goals, make the scoreboard or earn certificates, make sure you are displaying and acknowledging their accomplishments.  Make it a big deal and publish these in the local papers and social media sites.  An “Atta boy” can go a long way.

4. Most importantly – Reward your people for a job well done.

Pay your techs! Don’t lose a superstar tech because you are too tight with the purse strings.

To lose a superstar tech because of money will leave you paying out a lot more money to find, hire, and train a replacement.

Technicians are in high demand and short supply. Pay your techs well and you will attract a higher caliber of techs.   I can’t stress enough – Invest in your people and they are much more likely to stay.  There is an enormous amount of competition for the best techs – with the most talent.  Do you want a $10 per hour tech or a tech that is worth $30 per hour?  The answer is up to you, but you should want the best!!!

NOW – Don’t get me wrong….  It’s not just about the pay; it’s truly about building strong relationships with your team!

People do not typically leave a job because of money;

They leave because of other people or lack of trust in their managers and owners.

The better environment, culture and atmosphere we can create; the better chance they will stay and grow with you.

By doing the things we have discussed in these sessions, you should start to see a difference – and guess what…. Your competitors will see a difference as well.  You are now changing your culture from just being a survivor, to becoming a pace setter in your community.

Thanks for all you do – and we will see you next week on the Coach’s Corner.