I Need More Free Time!


For most of us, holiday insanity has begun. It’s filled with plenty of commitments, but it’s also a joyous time when you get to see loved ones (that is, assuming you have the time).

There are so many members out there today still complaining about being overworked. They’re stretching themselves too thin, and it’s costing them time from their families. While that is acceptable from time to time, if that’s how your life is fulltime, you’re destined to burnout and eventually begin hating the business you once loved.

Creating a work–life balance is hard—many find it difficult. That’s why your SGI™ team is willing to offer you specific plans and guidance on how to achieve success, including life balance. It’s like having your cake, and eating it, too!

You have a lot of demands. Consider focusing on work that is profitable and pays you COD. Here is how you can begin to get balanced.

  • Create a specific plan and stick to it.
  • Before you go to bed at night, take your agenda out and write down the top five things you have to do tomorrow.
  • Stick to your list. Keep it in front of you throughout your day.
  • Check off your list as you complete each task. You will feel a major sense of accomplishment when you check items off your list.
  • If you have to carry an item forward for more than a week, delete it. That item must not be important.
  • Once your To-Do list is complete, GO HOME!
  • Clear your desk each day.

Creating a work–life balance is hard, but if you plan and stick to your plan, it can be done. Furthermore, make it an absolute priority that you spend—at a minimum—one night a week with your significant other and family. They need to know that you’re a priority, too. After all, that’s who you’re working so hard for.

Get organized and focused today! And be able to have some free time to enjoy the upcoming holidays with the ones that matter the most to you!