It’s Not a Marketing Problem, It’s a Training Problem

One Training Exercise That Will Open Your Techs’ Eyes

Members call all the time saying they need more leads! What can I do to find more leads! What they’re really telling me is I need more revenue. Quite often—really, virtually every time—the issue isn’t a marketing problem. It’s a training problem.

How many of your technicians selling repairs and upgrades are truly maximizing every single opportunity they have with a homeowner? Some of you might be able to say, “I know my guys do every time.” But I’d venture to say MOST of you have at least one or two—if not all of your technicians—who are leaving money on the table at every single call. Not only are they turning away revenue, they’re missing a chance to enhance customers’ satisfaction in their home.

Why are our techs reluctant to offer more products? Why do they rush through inspections? The answer: They don’t see the value. What can we do to remedy the problem? It’s easier than you think.

Divert from your normal training plan for a day. Instead, ask your techs to name the 10 most common repairs/upgrades each of them sells. Write everything down on a board in front of them.

Once you have your list, it’s time for you to speak up. You know which of the items on the list are hardly ever sold by your techs. In a nonassuming way say, “Team, these repairs—X, Y, and Z [point to each one as you mention it]—are not sold as often as they should. Are they not important repairs to have done to the home? Should we stop offering these all together?”

Your goal in asking these questions is to get your team to say, “Of course we should be offering these repairs.” You want an actual, positive, verbal response. Even if you have a quiet group, your techs should stick up for the repairs.

Your next move is to say, “Okay, what makes each of these repairs important? Let me know how it helps the home and the customer.” At that point, list the benefits next to the repair/upgrade. The goal is to fill your board or paper with as many benefits as possible for each item.

Once you’ve exhausted your list, turn to your techs and say, “Team, you guys do a lot of good for people. Look at how your talents can improve people’s lives, safety, and comfort. We need to remember to look for problems that these repairs/upgrades can fix. And we need to tell homeowners the exact same benefits you told me today. I don’t expect you to be pushy. Just explain the benefits and then ask if they’d like for you to take care of it today.”

This simple exercise will open your techs’ eyes to the power of their jobs. Too often, people get in ruts. They just want to do the job and go home. You have to remind them how they truly impact lives. As a bonus—once you have all of these benefits for each of your top-10 repairs/upgrades, you can role-play them moving forward. Pick one repair/upgrade a week.

If you’d like to help your technicians further enhance their success in the field, we can’t urge you enough to send them to Learning Alliance’s new Service Essentials course. Your techs will walk away with fresh, new insight into how they can master their jobs, maximize their income, and generate more sales than they thought imaginable—all while making customers happier than ever.

Click here for more information!