NEW SGI QuickStart Guides Uploaded to the HUB

Virtually every member has a great story tied to Executive Perspective (EP).  A common theme we hear at SGI is—the event is overwhelming. So much information is shared in just a few days.  To help you keep that information fresh in your mind and easy to access, your Product Development & Innovation (PD&I) team has revamped and uploaded NEW SGI QuickStart Guides to the HUB!

You can find the SGI QuickStart Guides by hovering your mouse over “Resources,” then hovering over your affinity group’s “Resources,” and then clicking “EP Resources.”  You will be directed to a page containing the guides, which are a series of links clearly labeled. 

Each link shares the core SGI content in an easy-to-read format that is also mobile friendly.  Videos and tools connected to the content are embedded, making it easier than ever to review and comprehend. 

Use the new SGI QuickStart as a review for yourself—or a training tool for a manager.  Or you can use them as that catalyst to finally make some of the core changes you’ve always intended to implement in your business.

Of course, the very best way to experience this information is by sitting in Executive Perspective for yourself.  If it’s been a while since you’ve attended, visit “Executive Perspective” under the “Events” section for more information on upcoming dates.  It’s worth the investment of time and energy to immerse yourself in this content.

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