Safety Spotlight: It’s the Sudden Stop That Hurts

Each year, falls result in many serious injuries—approximately 20% of all falls are fatal. This means that one out of five every people involved in a falling accident, one dies. Let’s spend the next few minutes talking about where falls occur and what we can do to prevent them. HOUSEKEEPING Good footing is the best way to avoid falls and …

One Powerful Quote a Day Can Enhance Your Success!

A great quote can be a lifetime of experience summed up into one line. Great quotes are possibly the most valuable gifts we receive from those who have come before us…from those who have walked the path. It sums up their experiences briefly and powerfully. If you’re in the right frame of mind, a powerful quote can help you WAKE …

Safety Spotlight: Right & Left Turns

Have you checked lately on the manner in which you make turns? Do you properly signal intention to turn? Show consideration for pedestrians and other drivers who may be affected. There is a right way to make turns in driving, with safety and without causing annoyance or danger to others. It is done by letting everyone know just when and …

The Two Most Important Types of Consistency in Your Company

If you asked most business owners, they’d love to have a company where they knew what to expect. Hallmarks of a successful company include consistent revenue and profit coming into the company. However, consistent results require consistent actions. Without consistency, your company will have a difficult time reaching the goals you’re trying to achieve. Your team will have a hard …