Safety Spotlight: Hearing Protection

Noise is unwanted sound that can effect job performance, safety, and your health. Psychological effects of noise include annoyance and disruption of concentration. Physical effects include loss of hearing, pain, nausea, and interference with communications when exposure is severe. Hearing protection is essential when noise exposures can’t be controlled at their source. Both earplugs and earmuffs provide a physical barrier …

Your Next Management Enrichment Coaching Session Is TOMORROW, Thursday, December 18, 11 am EST

The online Management Enrichment Coaching series offered by SGI continues TOMORROW, Thursday, December 18, at 11 am EST. The topic: Collaboration! Today’s top leaders must collaborate with their teams in order to be successful. Successful leaders are those who can create, sustain, and modify effective human capital and organizational strategies. As the business world becomes more horizontal and network-based, you …

Come to an “SGI REGIONAL TOUR” of Milestone Electric & Air, NEXT Thursday, December 11th!

You’re Invited to Attend the INAUGURAL “SGI REGIONAL TOUR” at Milestone Electric & Air in Dallas, Texas, NEXT Thursday, December 11th! Only SIX Spots Remain – Please, Act Quickly! You’re invited to see the inner workings of one of the fastest-growing, largest, and most successful members in SGI…  Owner Gus Antos welcomes you to Milestone Electric & Air, in Dallas, …

Safety Spotlight: Ladder Safety!

We have all worked with ladders at some time in our lives, either at work or at home. The following are some tips that may make your interaction with ladders less hazardous: Before using a ladder, inspect it for faults, such as broken rungs or rails. If it is an extension ladder, inspect the pulleys, ropes, and locks for excessive …

You Cannot Create Exceptions to Rules Even for Top Employees

Recently one of your fellow SGI members called a client success manager with a quandary that no business owner wants to face. Like all of you, this particular contractor instated random drug testing years ago. Upon its implementation, he lost several technicians—but most of those forced out were people who needed to leave anyway. Since then, he hasn’t had any …

Fix Your “First-Time Fix” Rate

How many service technicians does it take to service a rooftop package unit, a water heater, a chimney flashing, or an electrical panel? A surprisingly large number of companies don’t really know… or their answers aren’t consistent. According to most studies, companies don’t measure—or are even aware of—their “first-time fix” rate… That is, they don’t know how often they’re able …

Safety Spotlight: Why a Written Safety Program?

The formal safety program is a set of written documents that describe a company’s safety policies, priorities, and responsibilities. The program is designed to bring structure and consistency to your company’s accident-prevention efforts. Without a written document, you might as well have a construction crew without a blueprint, or a factory without a production plan. However, just because a safety …

Safety Spotlight: Picking the Proper Glove!

Your hands are one of your most valuable assets. Without them, you wouldn’t be able to touch, hold, feel, write, or gesture. In fact, you couldn’t do much of anything. Too often, however, we take them for granted. We don’t pay attention to how we treat or mistreat them! Just a few examples of when your hands should be protected …