6 Simple Tips to Prepare You for an Exceptional Expo

Attending Expo can be an experience that propels you and your business for the next six or so months. Not only are they informative—they’re incredibly motivating, and you have a chance to meet fellow success-minded contractors eager to pass along their own wisdom. To have the most successful Expo possible, here are 6 Simple Tips to Prepare You for an …

The Cost of a Call-Back

Call-backs are not only expensive, but they can be the difference in making an acceptable net profit or not in your Service Dept.  Let’s run some conservative numbers to get us started. The first thing we must do is determine what we expect the technician to collect for each hour of work he or she performs.  Let’s start by using …

Intro to Aeroseal Webinar – Wednesday, Sept. 24 – 1:30 pm EDT

It’s been a year since Aeroseal began a strategic vendor partnership with BuyMax and SGI. Since that time we have added several AirTime 500 members to our dealer network across North America. They will tell you it is a great time to be an Aeroseal dealer! Intro to Aeroseal Webinar Wednesday, Sept. 24 – 1:30 pm EDT Don’t take our word …

What Would Happen if You Lost Your GM Today?

One thing is for sure about the contracting world: You never know what to expect. You could be flooded with calls one week and be struggling to get one on the board the next. Plus, you may seem to have too many technicians when things are slow and not enough when things get busy. Beyond that, you’ll never know when …

Protect Your Eyes! You Only Get Two!

One thousand eye injuries occur in American workplaces every day. These injuries are responsible for more than $3,000,000.00 annually in medical, lost production, and workers’ compensation costs!! Why are these injuries occurring? Three out of five injuries happen because the worker was not wearing any eye protection at the time of the accident. About 40% of the injured workers were …

Your Next Management Enrichment Coaching Session Is TOMORROW, Sept 18 – The Topic: Flexibility!

The online Management Enrichment Coaching series offered by SGI continues Thursday, September 18, 11 am EDT! The topic: Flexibility! You have a bunch on your plate as the owner of a contracting company. Your responsibilities are increased even more if you assume the role of GM. The most successful owners and GMs share one very common trait—flexibility. You must be …

5 Principles Every Business Should Use

Customer Focus A successful organization is one that continuously focuses on solving customers’ problems. The customer must be the center of every action you perform. Every process, procedure, and policy must focus on customers’ needs.   Embrace Change How does a company maintain vitality? By embracing change. It’s the number one issue today’s businesses face. To be successful, you must …