Are Call-Backs Killers or Killer Opportunities?!?

No matter what you call them—call-backs, warranties, or disruptions—these calls from potentially upset homeowners can actually be an opportunity. That’s a shift from the thinking of most contractors. Normally, a call-back is met with a response along the lines of, “Now, I have to take care of this, and what’s it going to cost?” Needless to say, most companies don’t …

Prepare for Change

I am not sure if you are aware of this or not, but did you know that any time you make changes in management you normally will affect every division of a company? When you make the changes, it is critical for every employee to understand the aftermath of these changes and how to go about their daily business.  If …

New FREE Online Training for ESI Members: “SAFETY MEETINGS” Presented Wednesday, August 27, 11 am EDT

All summer long your ESI team has been offering “Summer School”—free, online training to help you maximize your success in these warmer months! (This training is exclusively for ESI members!) Your next session is: “SAFETY MEETINGS”! It will be offered next week! Yes, you can participate in this training on Wednesday, August 27, 11 am EDT! ESI member and owner …

Safety Spotlight: Footwear for the Occupational Athlete!

Wearing the Right Shoes for the Right Job! Having the right footwear for the job is critical to your safety and prevention of injuries. Think of yourself as an athlete who needs specialty footwear for your sport. Your tennis shoes may be comfortable, make you run faster, and jump higher—but they may not be appropriate for your work environment. Would …

Your Next Management Enrichment Coaching Session Is TOMORROW, Thursday, August 21, 11 am EDT The Topic: Getting to Know Your Balance Sheet!

The online Management Enrichment Coaching series offered by SGI continues TOMORROW, Thursday, August 21, 11 am EDT! The topic: Getting to Know Your Balance Sheet! Your balance sheet is often described as the “snapshot of a company’s financial condition.” It’s the only statement that applies to a single point in time of a business’ calendar year. It consists of your …

Secrets of a Successful Comfort Advisor

I have found that there are two types of Comfort Advisors; The “Go Getters” and the “Wait and See-ers”.  Which one do you think is more successful?  I have been studying the habits of the “Go Getters” for years and have made a list of some common traits. The “Go-Getters”: Revisit unsold quotes. Do you know if the homeowner bought …

Safety Spotlight: Avoiding Electrical Shock

Electrical hazards can be found in all industries. Avoiding electrical shocks both at home and at work requires awareness of the hazards and a respect for this “Silent Killer.” The human body has a low resistance to electricity—making it a good conductor, like most metals. Unlike metals however, the human body does not respond well when electricity passes through it. Physical results …

Your Next Management Enrichment Coaching Session Is Thursday, August 21, 11 am EDT

The online Management Enrichment Coaching series offered by SGI continues Thursday, August 21, 11 am EDT! The topic: Getting to Know Your Balance Sheet! Your balance sheet is often described as the “snap shot of a company’s financial condition.” It’s the only statement that applies to a single point in time of a business’ calendar year. It consists of your …

6 Ways to Gauge Your Company’s Performance

The average organization loses 15–35% of its customers each year, primarily due to poor service. Do you know if your company is in danger of losing a third of your customers this year? There’s only one way to find out before it’s too late. Ask them. There are raving-happy fans and there are those that are raving mad. Naturally, you …