Safety Spotlight: The Importance of Knowing Basic First Aid

shutterstock_135150926WHAT WOULD YOU DO if a co-worked or employee called and said someone was injured? Have you taken first aid training so you would KNOW what to do? The contractor industry is a leader in accidents and the injury rates continue to be high, so knowing basic first aid is a must.

The following is a list of helpful hints when first aid is needed.

  1. Act promptly but not hastily — look for breathing and airway obstructions, and check -for bleeding and/or broken bones.
  2. Start mouth to mouth resuscitation if necessary, and don’t forget to use a one way mask.
  3. Stop the bleeding — a snug bandage or a pressure dressing will usually stop the bleeding. Use direct pressure, not a tourniquet. Avoid direct contact with blood — use gloves.
  4. Look for shock — skin cold and moist, weak pulse, face drained of color and fainting. Wrap the victim in blankets, have them lay down and try to calm them.
  5. Caution, handle with care — a person with a suspected neck or back injury should not be moved until professional rescue personnel are on the scene. Assist them if requested.
  6. Splint broken bones — a splint can be made from any firm object that is long enough to reach beyond the broken bone. Immobilize the joints above and below the break.
  7. Never give liquids to an unconscious victim.
  8. Bandage wounds to help protect against infection — the wound should be covered with a sterile dressing before the bandage is applied.
  9. Remember to wear universal precaution protective equipment.

Forgotten what you learned a while back? Resolve to upgrade your first aid skills. Contact your local Red Cross Chapter or Rescue Squad, they have regularly scheduled courses covering FIRST AID and CPR.