New FREE Online Training for ESI Members: “SAFETY MEETINGS” Presented Wednesday, August 27, 11 am EDT

All summer long your ESI team has been offering “Summer School”—free, online training to help you maximize your success in these warmer months! (This training is exclusively for ESI members!) Your next session is: “SAFETY MEETINGS”! It will be offered next week! Yes, you can participate in this training on Wednesday, August 27, 11 am EDT! ESI member and owner …

New FREE Online Training for ESI Members: “Building Your Average Ticket” Presented Wednesday, August 13, 11 am EDT

All summer long your ESI team has been offering “Summer School”—free, online training to help you maximize your success in these warmer months! (This training is exclusively for ESI members!) Your next session is: “BUILDING YOUR AVERAGE TICKET”! It will be offered next week! Yes, you can participate in this training on Wednesday, August 13,  at 11 am EDT! Every …

Your Next “Summer School” Training Lesson Is Wednesday, July 30, 11 am EDT! The Topic: “The Keys to Open-Book Management!”

Your ESI team introduced our version of “Summer School”—free, online training to help you maximize your success in these warmer months! Your next lesson “Summer School” lesson is scheduled for Wednesday, July 30, 11 am EDT. The topic: “The Keys to Open-Book Management!” REGISTER NOW! So many contractors are scared to reveal their numbers to their team members. They think …

Your Next “Summer School” Training Lesson Is NOW AVAILABLE on Your ESI Website:

“Understanding How the Daily Management Essential Report Can Help Improve Your Business!” Your ESI team introduced our version of “Summer School”—free, online training to help you maximize your success in these warmer months! The latest training was offered earlier today! The topic: “Understanding How the Daily Management Essential Report Can Help Improve Your Business!” ESI Client Success Manager David Boyle …

Your Next “Summer School” Training Lesson: “Understanding How the Daily Management Essential Report Can Help Improve Your Business!”

Your ESI team introduced our version of “Summer School”—free, online training to help you maximize your success in these warmer months! (This training is exclusively for ESI members!) The first two sessions were Financing 101 & Financing 201. If you missed either of these sessions, or would like to watch them again, go to the Members Only portion of your …