The 3 Keys to Achieving Greater Employee Performance


What does it take to get your employees excited about their jobs?  Money is a common benefit of working, but money isn’t everything.  Most employees are happy to receive fair compensation for the job they perform, but they also want opportunities to learn and grow, recognition for a job well done, a positive work environment, and encouraging team members and management.

Keeping employees energized and well trained about their job can improve productivity, morale, teamwork, and can reduce turnover.  Doing so can make a positive impact on your company’s bottom line.

1.       Start off Right

If you follow the proper steps outlined in your success manuals and hire the right people, you enhance your chances for success – that’s not a surprise.  However, if you’re struggling to find the right people, it might be time to do something different.  It’s time to look through your SGI materials and call your support team.  You were wise enough to make the investment in the organization; now, put it to use for you!  Remember, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results.

2.       Train or Change

Most employees understand the need for job-specific training and can make the connection between investing in performance- and technical-skill development. Look at your sales- and closing-percentage numbers. Is it time to jump start your employees to get them moving to the next level of success?  Or do you have the wrong people on your team who just don’t get it.  Weak links on your team sets everyone up for failure! Could this be the reason why you are not achieving greater success today?  You will need to train the weak links on how to become strong, or you will need to remove the weak links and replace them with a trainable, stronger link that creates results.

3.       No More Excuses

If you have a weak link in your business’ chain… get them trained.  If you have a new employee and you want to set the right work performance ethic early in their employment… get them trained.  You have a variety of courses offered by Success Academy® that can help do this for you if you’re uncertain on how to get the ball rolling.  If you haven’t attended the courses, as the owner, you absolutely should consider it, too.

It is essential to get your employees trained, if nothing else it can reenergize them.  Training allows them to share knowledge and work with their fellow technicians to develop real-world solutions to challenges they face.   New knowledge is always gained during training.

There is no better way to kick the dust off or remove the rust from stagnant employees than getting them involved in training.  Even the best of the best employees need a little refresher now and then – give them what they need to succeed.

Stop asking yourself, “What if I train them, and they leave?” Instead start asking yourself, “What if I don’t train them, and they stay?”  The second question, if answered poorly, could keep your company dormant forever.  Choose wisely.