The 5 Questions You Must Answer in a Client’s Mind on Every Call!

shutterstock_128024897Every member of your team needs to communicate with each client what they want to know. The challenge we face is usually clients do not ask the following questions:

  1. What are you recommending?
  2. Why should I buy it?
  3. Why should I buy it from you?
  4. How can I pay for it?
  5. When should I buy it?

If you fail to answer any one of these five questions in the clients mind, the only question they will ask you is: Why does it cost so much?

Great news! With the proper training, answering these five questions should not be difficult for any member of your team.  To help you in your training ventures, below are some short scriptings, that you can use to work with your people in answering those key questions.

Why should I buy it from you?

“It’s a great day at ……, this is …… How can we make you smile today?” This phrase helps to communicate you are different, and you want to attempt to get a smile out of a homeowner who is probably frustrated because something in his home needs repair.

After the client shares his problem, you say, “Isn’t that frustrating. You called the right place! Whom am I speaking with today?” Your concern, empathy, reassurance, and the great way you just asked for his name makes the client want to give you their business!

When you ask simple questions about the age of their equipment, roof, plumbing, electric, etc., you establish yourself as an authority. Clients love to buy from those who know what to ask!

What are you recommending & why should I buy it?

These two questions are built into the value-building statement. “Because your time is valuable I will send out a fully trained technician, with a truck stocked with thousands of parts….Your repair can be done right then….” YOU are recommending that you can save them time, money, and it will be fixed right the first time!

By sending out a professional, your client will save money now and in the future. “My technician does a thorough examination….helps you understand what caused the problem and proper procedure to repair it right. When my tech arrives, it is like a doctor coming for a visit; he is very professional, courteous, and even smells good!” YOUR clients will pay for a professional to come to their door and provide a complete evaluation.

When should I buy it?

“(Client’s name), I can have a technician out to your home between (date & time) or would (date & time) work better for you? We have a small evaluation fee for sending out our professional, it is only $_____.” If you have delivered the script with enthusiasm and confidence, the only questions left unanswered is…

How can I pay for it?

“My technician will collect upon completion of the service, and how would you like take care of this today? We accept cash, checks, major credit cards, and we have financing options available.” Clients enjoy having choices on how to pay for unexpected expenses!

By verifying all information you collected and thanking the client for the opportunity to serve them, you seal in the clients mind why they want to buy it from YOU.

Now, go back through the script and look how many times the words I, We, and My are used. Using these words personalizes the call and shows ownership in helping the client solve their problem.

You can apply this same exercise around the scripts for your technician and in home sales team. Train your team for greater performance by using these five critical questions to reinforce what they are saying, asking, and doing with every client interaction. When your team members know why and test their script in answering the five critical questions, their performance will improve.