8 Benefits of Sending a Customer Newsletter!


One of your biggest concerns is losing hard-earned customers to another company!  To ensure that doesn’t happen, you want to do everything possible to stay engaged with them and remind them why they chose you as their contractor.

Newsletters are an exceptional tool for strengthening existing relationships with homeowners.  In fact, SGI develops a newsletter specifically for you and your trade!  You can download the files, make some minor edits to personalize it for your business, and then send the files to a printer of your choice!  If you’d like, most printers should be able to easily edit the files for you—making your job even easier!

In fact, your Summer 2013 newsletter is available right now!  To view it, go to your organizational website and look at Contractor Wizard.  If you’d like help locating it, contact your Client Success Manager; he can walk you through the steps to viewing it and using it to your advantage!

Want some more convincing that newsletters should be a regular part of your marketing mix?  Well here are the “8 Benefits of Sending a Customer Newsletter”:

1.    Makes a Personal Connection

If your newsletter is written in a way that makes it sound like it’s coming from you, the owner, it allows the reader, your client, feel like he/she knows you personally.  In your SGI Newsletter, the last story of every newsletter is always a personal message “from the owner.”  Remember, people buy from other people they know and like.

2.  Keeps Top-of-Mind Awareness

Sending newsletters quarterly or biannually, ensures that your clients will at the very least see your name, logo, and message several times throughout the year.  The better they remember your name, the more likely they will call you when they need help, versus going to the Internet or phone book to call the first contractor they can find.

3.      Increases Brand Loyalty

If you make the effort to send a personal, interesting newsletter periodically to your customers, you greatly enhance the likelihood that a past customer will still feel connected to your business.  The longer they feel connected, the more brand loyalty builds, which is vital in creating a long-term client.

4.      Increases Your Web Hits

The more often your customers see your name, the greater chance they’ll visit your website.  In fact, in your newsletter you could even direct customers to go to your website for discounts, prizes, or just new information.  The more visited your site, the better.

5.      Cost-Effective Forms of Communication

Printing and mailing your own newsletter is relatively inexpensive, especially when considering the impact it can have on your clients.  SGI has some great relationships with printers to help drive the price down even more on creating your own newsletter.

 6.      Has Lasting Power

If your newsletter has a funny joke, a recipe, a word search, or some way to engage your client, you will increase the lifespan of that communication piece.  Don’t be surprised if people put it on their refrigerator or pass it to another friend!

 7.      Communicates Vital Information — Including Discounts & Savings

Your newsletter can educate homeowners about issues pertaining to their biggest investment, their homes.  You can give them problems to look for—and you can offer discounts or coupons to have that service performed by you!

 8.      Establishes You as the Expert

If you’re able to communicate important information about your trade to a homeowner so he/she understands it, that person will see you as an expert.  Considering the fact that you go through the effort of putting a newsletter together and distribute it regularly to your clients, shows that you care and run a professional operation.

Don’t wait any longer to start instituting a customer newsletter in your company!  Use the easily personalized newsletter that we, at SGI, provide!  Or start working on your own today!  You’ll see a great return from it!