The One Simple Tool That Will Develop Consistent Results from Your Techs!

600x300-email-scoreboardIt’s not uncommon for your Client Success Managers to hear from an SGI™ member:  “You always keep talking about methods of delivering consistent results – how do I create them in my company?”  After doing a little research on their company and doing some probing, the CSMs often find out that the member isn’t participating in the Scoreboard.  In fact, they don’t even have a Scoreboard in their office!  The typical answer we get when we ask why not is, “I was too busy, or I don’t bring my staff in daily.”

You will never improve your results if you don’t hold yourself accountable and measure your team’s results daily. The NHL® and NBA® playoffs are in full force right now.  Can you imagine a hockey or basketball game without an official score?  Why play the game? You really aren’t playing seriously without a score. A Scoreboard is the best tool you have to deliver consistent results every month. Used properly, the Scoreboard guarantees you are keeping track of your team’s performance.   To submit monthly Scoreboards, one has to track daily.

The Scoreboard is your potential crystal ball.  You can read the score and predict the future. Once a month is complete, it can’t be changed, but understanding where you are right now can help you for the balance of the month. Keeping track of your numbers today is not optional – it is necessary!

If you’re not using, at the very least, a Scoreboard in your office, why?  Are you afraid technicians’ feelings will be hurt? Aren’t they already keeping track of how everyone else is doing?  Don’t they appreciate a little competition?  A Scoreboard demands and delivers consistency… if not excellence.

If you are doing other types of work, you can introduce scoreboards for anything you want to measure and improve.  Here are just a few Scoreboard advantages.

  • It’s easy to start
  • You need to be smart in business today, keeping score helps
  • A unique motivating and recruiting tool
  • Techs look for it
  • Creates positive competition
  • Everybody loves a contest
  • Helps you understand where you are compared to your goals
  • Monthly recognition from SGI
  • Helps your team deliver consistent results that you don’t have to create
  • It’s part of your membership and IT WORKS!

Buy the necessary materials to create your own Scoreboard.  Then, start posting those numbers daily.  Finally, be sure to send your monthly numbers to us by midnight Eastern time on the 10th of each month.  That way, you can drive your top performer to try and beat the best in all of SGI!  Competition will lead to solid, consistent results in your business!