The Online-Advertising Format That’s More Popular Than Facebook & Google AdWords: Online Video!


Online video is exploding. It’s now the most popular online-advertising format, beating out Facebook and Google AdWords. If you’ve been holding off on investing in an online video, it may be time to start building it into your marketing budget for 2016.

“Okay, so I need a Web video?” you ask. “What should it say?” Great question! Here are few of the current creative-video options businesses use today and the benefits of each:

Not all business owners feel comfortable in front of a camera. Or, they consider it boring. They are aware of other kinds of videos, but aren’t sure of all the options or which is best. Here then are a few creative-video options and the benefits of each.

Explainer Videos
Although the idea of explaining things in video format is nothing new, the term Explainer Video is. Prior to 2012 Explainer Video didn’t even exist as a Google-search phrase. But since then, it has exploded.

Popular animated videos like The Social Media Revolution that went viral in 2011 helped spark a trend for these explainer-type videos that use motion graphics (Click here to watch that video: Motion graphics involve any type of animated typography or graphics that usually combine with a great music track or voiceover.

Whiteboard Videos
Whiteboard Videos have become one of the most popular styles of Explainer Videos. This was perhaps sparked by a popular 2012 UPS television campaign involving a spokesman drawing images on a whiteboard as he’s explaining things.

Like the term Explainer Video, a Whiteboard Video has become a popular search term in the past couple years. Additionally, Whiteboard Videos have also been proven to be effective for mostly business-to-business businesses. That’s because most B2B products and services require explanation.

Testimonial Videos
Third-party endorsements have always been a great way to build credibility—and when you can get someone to do it on camera, Testimonial Videos can have even more impact. Testimonial Videos are especially great for YOUR service business! If you can get customers to sit in front of a camera—you should explore it!

Storytelling Videos
Storytelling Videos are among the very best types of videos for people in the service business. The idea is to get people to “know, like, and trust you.” For example, explain how you’re unique by indicating you’re always on-time, you drug test and background check, and you have 100% guarantees! Keep these types of video positive. By the time your video is done, you want people to say, “I really like him/her.” The key thing here is to keep it short—under 3 minutes.

Whichever type you choose it’s important to be creative to keep your audience engaged and, hopefully, excited about your message. Sure, it will cost you some money to develop, but if done properly, it will be a huge investment, not an expense.