Your Next “Summer School” Training Lesson Is Wednesday, July 30, 11 am EDT! The Topic: “The Keys to Open-Book Management!”

summer-schoolYour ESI team introduced our version of “Summer School”—free, online training to help you maximize your success in these warmer months! Your next lesson “Summer School” lesson is scheduled for Wednesday, July 30, 11 am EDT. The topic: “The Keys to Open-Book Management!”


So many contractors are scared to reveal their numbers to their team members. They think that it will cause frustration or anger. In actuality, the opposite occurs. When you freely share your books with your people, they see what the cost of business really is, and they understand you’re not getting rich off their hard work; instead, they see it takes a lot of money to run a company. In the end, by opening your books to your people, you’ll have a happier, more appreciative team!

During this training lesson, you’ll discover how to properly employ an Open-Book-Management style in your company! Remember, it will be roughly 45 minutes to an hour—and there will be an opportunity to ask questions… Be sure to participate in this great training!


Missed Any Previous “Summer School” Trainings? Not to Worry!
If you missed this training, DON’T WORRY! You can view it NOW online on your ESI website,! Just click on the “WebEx Training” icon to view it! The previous three lessons have been: Financing 101, Financing 201, and Understanding How the Daily Management Essential Report Can Help Improve Your Business!