Your SGI Team Is Looking Forward to Serving You in 2015!

2014-2015It’s the holiday season, and you’re likely spending time with friends and family. Soon thereafter, you’ll be planning for the upcoming New Year’s celebration! We want to wish you happy holidays along with nothing but enhanced success in 2015!

Every day, your SGI staff is working hard with the goal of enhancing your success—and we are committed to working even harder throughout the New Year. Our sales team is making phone calls, reaching out to new contractors, and planning more Profit Days in hopes of bringing new, success-minded members to the organization—people that you can network with, help each other with business-growth ideas, and share similar experiences and advice.

You also have a research-and-development team that spends countless hours talking with experts and conducting research in hopes of uncovering new industry trends. Based on that information, they craft new programs and strategies to unveil at Expo and ultimately help you stay on the forefront of the trade—and well ahead of the competition.

You also have your client success managers, the people on the frontline, here for you. Maybe at no other time has SGI offered such a talented roster of CSMs with this much experience in the industry. Specifically, this group of individuals has a vast amount of knowledge on how to turn around struggling businesses and helping solid, growing businesses become even stronger. Be sure to lean on them heavily this next year—and allow them to help you reach your goals in 2015.

This past year likely offered a number of new questions and challenges. We’re hoping that you found answers and new paths to navigate around these issues. Being in business for yourself isn’t always the easiest thing, but it can definitely be rewarding. Your SGI team is standing by to help in every way possible! Here’s to an even more rewarding 2015.